University of Nottingham


The Virtual Seed Web Resource

This site contains web-based tools for analysis of gene expression occurring during seed maturation, dormancy and germination.


Related Resources:

The Seed Biology Place





Online Network Query Tools:



SeedNet - Genome-wide transcription network in seeds (original reference: Bassel et al. PNAS (USA) 2011):
A queryable interface for SeedNet, a genome-wide network model describing transcriptional interactions in dormant and germinating Arabidopsis seeds.


SCoPNetSeed Co-Prediction Network - SCoPNet for seed dormancy and germination (original reference: Bassel et al. The Plant Cell, 2011):
A queryable interface for SCoPNet, a genome-wide network model describing transcriptional interactions in germinating and dormant Arabidopsis seeds, generated through machine learning.




Natalio Krasnogor

Alex Marshall

Enrico Glaab

Pawel Widera

James Gilbert

George Bassel

Micropylar Endosperm-(END)net (original reference: Dekkers et al. Plant Physiology 2013):
A queryable interface for ENDnet, a genome-wide network model describing transcriptional interactions in the micropylar endosperm of germinating Arabidopsis seeds.


Radicle-(RAD)net (original reference: Dekkers et al. Plant Physiology 2013):
A queryable interface for RADnet, a genome-wide network model describing transcriptional interactions in the lower axis of germinating Arabidopsis seeds.




Gene expression visualisations
(eFP browsers):


eFPLepidiumHigh resolution time-course course of germination in Arabidopsis (original reference: Dekkers et al. Plant Physiology 2013)
An eFP Browser of seed germination, analysing expression in separated radicle, cotyledon, lateral and micropylar endosperm.



Other resources:


TAGGITTAGGIT analysis of seed transcriptome datasets: (original reference: Carrera et al Plant Physiology 2007): TAGGIT uses a seed germination/dormancy ontology to annotate 'omics datasets, thus allowing more biologically informed analysis. A guide and most up-to-date version (although not updated since 2009, you can also use your own gene lists) of the TAGGIT workflow.



vSEED Web Portal:
Web portal for the ERANET-PG funded vSEED project.


The vSEED Web Resource is associated with:

The ERANET-PG vSEED project and Infobiotics (University of Nottingham).

This project is a collaboration between Professor Michael Holdsworth and Professor Nat Krasnogor, School of Computer Science; University of Nottingham.

Funding for this project was originally from ERANET-PG (BB/G02488X/1), BBSRC.

Site managed by Professor Michael Holdsworth with a great deal of help from MyCIB.
Last update 01 March 2013.